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Your search for the tag 'Michael Kramer' yielded 5 results

  • 1

    Interview: Feb 20th, 2015


    Do you have a favorite narrator that you--Of your books and of other books.

    Brandon Sanderson

    It is Michael Kramer, who did the Wheel of Time books. Which is why I asked for him on my books.


  • 2

    Interview: Oct 9th, 2015


    Is it weird having Michael Kramer doing your books as well as the Wheel of Time books?

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yes, so weird. The weirdest thing is that he did a signing with me, and then he did the reading, and then all of the voices of these voices come out of his mouth and I’m like – you're all of them!


  • 3

    Interview: Feb 25th, 2016


    When you're writing, do you hear Michael Kramer in your head?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I do now. I asked for him by name because I liked how he and Kate Reading did the Wheel of Time books. Yeah, I get a big kick out of doing Wayne's voices and trying to figure out how Michael's going to try to read those.


  • 4

    Interview: Feb 24th, 2016


    The person in front of me asked if Brandon invents ridiculous accents for Wayne just to see if Michael Kramer can do different voices.

    Brandon Sanderson

    No, it's not just to torture Michael, though Brandon really enjoys hearing how Michael reads the different voices and he's amazed at the various accents, and he listens to all of the audiobooks at least once... However, Brandon will say he has one voice planned for Wayne that does make him giggle when he thinks of Michael Kramer having to do it. He's going to LAFO (Listen and Find Out) which voice it is, but we'll all likely be rolling around in tears when it happens.


  • 5

    Interview: Oct 14th, 2015


    I've been listening to the audiobooks of Stormlight. There are some really great character voices. Have you told him how to do the characters?

    Brandon Sanderson

    I have not told him how to do characters. I leave that to him. I give him pronunciations.


    So the Australian Lopen is all him.

    Brandon Sanderson

    Yeah, the Australian is all him. Which is weird, because they're, they're based off of Hispanic cultures, so, hearing the Australian - but at the same time, they're not Hispanic, because there are no Hispanics on Roshar, so an Australian's probably just as accurate as anything else. But yes, I intended the Herdazians to have a Hispanic flair to them.
